If you’re like most people, your email management techniques may not be the best. Most of us have a bad habit of letting all our emails go to the same inbox, treated with equal importance whether they be a mailer for a newsletter we signed up to seven years ago and have long since forgotten the purpose of, to important legal or even medical information that requires immediate attention. If you’re lucky, your email service provider may provide you with some kind of rudimentary organization based on what its AI learning algorithm thinks your email is about, but it’s not the best, and it’s still very easy to lose something important under all the deluge of emails that the average person gets in just one day.
However, email has completely replaced the role that so called snail mail used to fill in our lives. When people want to send us something important, they do it in seconds using email. When these important emails get ignored, or worse never seen at all, then there can be significant deleterious consequences on your life.
That’s why it’s so important to quickly dispense with those things that don’t matter. When’s the last time you even visited the website or service that you regularly receive mailers from, for example? Getting rid of the emails that you would never read enables you to see and emotionally care about the emails that you would. Even just seeing the average inbox with thousands of unread emails in it can be enough to spark anxiety in some individuals, which isn’t productive. After all, where would someone even start with getting rid of and unsubscribing from the mountain of garbage in front of them?
Keeping on Top of what Matters
- Unsubscribe to unwanted emails: Spend a few minutes a day and unsubscribe from those emails that you no longer need. If you don’t, your email inbox can become cluttered and overwhelming.
- Delete no longer needed emails: Emails not only take up storage on your phone, but also your time and brainpower as you might be scrolling through many unneeded emails trying to find the one you actually need. A few minutes a day of organization allows you to stay on top of what matters.
- Try Chuck to easily keep on top of your emails.
Chuck is a powerful email management service that allows you to do just that. Its tools enable you to mass delete or archive emails through its smart categorical detection systems – ensuring that you get rid of what doesn’t matter to you, while intelligently preserving what does. It also takes care of the tedious task of mass unsubscribing from troublesome mailing lists for you. Rather than spend hours upon hours searching for tiny “unsubscribe” lists, Chuck takes care of all of that for you. By the time it’s done, it’s almost as if you’ve created a brand-new email address for yourself. Chuck helps you to take control of your email inbox, and it helps you to keep that control where it belongs – in your hands.
Give us a try today! You’ll be glad that you did.