Do you feel like your email inbox is constantly full of spam? If so, you're not alone. In fact, about 85% of all emails ever received are spam.
It seems like every day we are inundated with more and more spam emails. These messages can be frustrating, annoying, and a huge waste of time. What's more, unscrupulous individuals have used spam emails to dupe unsuspecting individuals into sending them cash.
If you're sick and tired of spam emails, you probably want to know how to reduce spam emails. If this describes your predicament, you're in the right place.
That's because, in today's post, we'll be showing you how to reduce spam emails and maybe get rid of them for good.
What Is Spam Email?
Spam email is a type of unsolicited email that is typically sent in large volumes. Spammers often send these emails without the recipient's consent. Spam emails are difficult or impossible to unsubscribe from.
Spam email usually contains commercial content, such as advertisements or promotional material. It can also contain malicious content, such as viruses or phishing scams. Spam email has been around since the early days of the ARPANET, and still remains a common problem today.
As mentioned earlier, about 85% of all email traffic. There are many types of spam email, and they're a major nuisance for both individuals and businesses. In addition to being a time-waster, spam email can also pose a serious security threat.
Accordingly, many organizations have strict policies against it. Despite these efforts, spam email remains a ubiquitous problem. So how do you reduce spam emails in your inbox?
How to Reduce Spam Email
Spam emails in your inbox are super annoying, but the good news is you can always reduce them or stop them for good. Here are a couple of tips for doing just that.
Mark Spam Emails as Spam
One of the most effective ways of reducing spam emails is by marking them as spam. When you do this, you train your email provider's algorithms to recognize similar emails as spam in the future.
Most people instinctively delete spam emails to free up their inboxes. While this makes sense, the better alternative would be to mark the email as spam. Most email providers have a button that allows you to mark an email as spam.
For example, in Gmail, there is a "Report Spam" button located under the three dots next to the reply button. If you're using another email provider, look for a similar button.
By marking an email as spam, you help your email provider's algorithms understand what kinds of emails should be considered spam in the future. This is one of the most effective ways to reduce spam emails.
Avoid Replying to Spam Messages
Another mistake that people make is replying to spam messages. It's important to understand that, when you reply to a spam message, you’re confirming your email address.
This is valuable information for spammers because they can use it to send you even more spam emails. Once they have your email address, they'll add it to their email list and sell it to other spammers.
Before you know it, you'll be getting spam emails from all sorts of different sources. To avoid this unpleasant scenario, don't reply to spam messages.
Don't Click Anything in the Email
Spam emails often contain links that take you to malicious websites on clicking them. These websites can infect your computer with viruses or malware. In some cases, clicking on these links may also sign you up for unwanted newsletters or other email lists.
As such, it's important that you exercise caution before clicking on any links in an email. If an email looks even slightly suspicious, it's best to avoid clicking on any links.
In general, it's a good idea to be skeptical of any email that comes from an unknown sender. Even if an email looks legitimate, it could still be a phishing scam designed to steal your personal information. The best way to deal with these emails is to mark them as spam.
Don't Use Your Personal or Business Email Carelessly
It's a good idea to avoid using your business or personal email when subscribing to websites. This is because many of these websites sell email addresses to third-party marketing companies.
If you must use your personal or business email, make sure to use a disposable email address. A disposable email address is one that you can create and delete at will.
There are tons of websites that allow you to create disposable email addresses. These websites let you create an email address and start receiving emails instantly.
You can use this email address to sign up for websites without having to worry about your personal or business email being sold to marketing companies.
Screen Websites Before Signing Up
If you're going to be signing up for a website, it's a good idea to screen the website first. There are a few things you can look for to see if a website is legitimate.
First, check to see if the website has a privacy policy. A privacy policy is a document that outlines how a website collects, uses, and protects your personal information.
If the website doesn't have a privacy policy, that's a red flag and it most likely isn't GDRP compliant. There's a high likelihood that the website is selling your personal information to marketing companies.
Another thing you can do is research the website online. See if there are any negative reviews or articles about the website. This will give you a good idea of whether or not the website is trustworthy.
Finally, take a look at the website's design. If the website looks like it was made in the 1990s, it's probably best to avoid signing up for it. A well-designed website is usually a sign that the company behind the website is legitimate and cares about its customers.
Keep Your Email Address Private
One of the best ways to reduce spam email is to keep your email address private. There are a few different ways you can do this.
First, don't give your email address out to just anyone. Only give it to people you know and trust. Second, use a disposable email address when signing up for websites or online tools.
As we mentioned before, a disposable email address is an email address that you can create and delete at will. This way, you don't have to worry about your personal or business email being sold to marketing companies.
Finally, make sure to set up spam filters on your email account. Spam filters are designed to automatically detect and delete spam emails. Most email providers have built-in spam filters that you should put to good use.
Unsubscribe From Unnecessarynneccesary Email Lists
Over time, you may find yourself subscribed to a lot of different email lists. These email lists can come from companies, websites, or even people you know.
If you're not careful, your inbox can quickly become cluttered with unwanted emails. The best way to deal with this is to unsubscribe from any email lists that you don't want to be on. It’s the best way to reduce clutter.
Most companies will have an unsubscribe link at the bottom of their emails. If you click this link, you'll be taken off of the email list.
It's also a good idea to set up a separate email account for newsletters and other emails that you actually want to receive. That way, your inbox won't be cluttered with emails that you don't care about.
Embrace Anti-Spam Tools
There are a number of different anti-spam tools available that can help you reduce spam email. These tools work by automatically filtering out spam emails and sending them to a separate folder.
They do a much better job than the spam filter provided by the email provider. Most work as subscription tools, but with others, you pay a one-off fee. You'll want to check the tool's pricing to ensure you can afford it and that you're getting your money's worth.
Also, ensure you check out reviews of the tool and what other subscribers have to say about it. Ensure you only settle for the best spam protection tool for the best results.
Don't Contribute to Spam Charities
While it's always good to donate to charities, you should be careful about which ones you choose. Some spammers pose as false charities to trick people into donating to non-existent charities.
To avoid this, only donate to charities that you know and trust. If you're unsure about a charity, do some research online before making a donation.
Reducing Spam Emails Simplified
Now that you know how to reduce spam email for good, it will soon be a thing of the past. Just remember to follow the above tips to the letter and you'll be good to go. These emails should be the last thing to worry about.
Last but not least, make sure you find the right spam protection tool to get rid of spam emails for good. Lucky for you, the best spam protection tool is only a click away.
Contact us today and say goodbye to spam email.