How to Stop Norton Spam Emails

Are you wondering how to stop Norton spam emails? If so, we're here to help with this guide. Come take a look and see for yourself!

How to Stop Norton Spam Emails

The reality is that spam emails are part of our everyday lives in the technological world we live in today. While they might seem inescapable, you don't have to put up with an inbox full of spam.

Spam emails have their place in society. They're useful for online marketing, but how do you know when they're harmless marketing material or a true scam, specifically those emails designed to mimic certain companies? (Yes, we're looking at you, Norton).

If you're wondering how to stop Norton spam emails for good, this is the blog you need.

Norton and the Great Email Scam

If you've found yourself at the mercy of Norton spam emails, you're not alone. As one of the most well-known cybersecurity providers in the world, Norton was first established in 1991.

They are most notable for their antivirus software applications and server assistance. Two of the company's biggest products include Norton 360 and Norton Security.

As a world leader in cybersecurity protection, you might wonder why they've become synonymous with email scamming. The company itself is not actually scamming its customers. However, nefarious scammers have piggybacked on the Norton name to create email spam in an effort to steal sensitive customer information.

Most Norton spam emails include phishing links and files that encourage users to click on them. They might also pose as a company official requesting information from you.

It's worth noting that it's highly unlikely that Norton will contact you directly for sensitive/personal information. This is your first major red flag when encountering any type of email from Norton.

How to Stop Norton Spam Emails for Good

The great news is that there are simple steps you can take to keep this type of spam out of your inbox, for good:

1. Simply Unsubscribe

Sounds like a no-brainer, right? One of the best ways to put an end to the Norton spam you're receiving is by unsubscribing from their emails. This includes all of their marketing material.

Let's say you have a Norton account. You might receive regular emails about upgrading your plan or changes to their services. These emails might be from the marketing team, but they can take up room in your inbox. Not only this, but some of them could be scam emails, too.

By unsubscribing from their service, you can put an end to these types of emails. The simplest way to do so is to click the unsubscribe link contained in most of their marketing emails.

2. Earmark Them as Spam

Once you receive an email from Norton that you don't want, mark it as spam. This helps your email provider recognize the types of emails you don't want to receive, outlining your email preferences.

Once earmarked as spam, they should go directly to your spam folder, keeping your inbox clutter-free.

While Norton typically does not send email spam, just marketing material, you might want to check your spam folder from time so you don't miss anything important from Norton that needs your attention.

3. Activate Norton's Spam Filter

If you're a Norton account owner, you probably already know that they're at the top of their game when it comes to protecting your inbox.

If you aren't already aware, Norton offers a security feature that allows you to protect yourself from unwanted spam emails (including their own). All you need to do is activate the Norton spam filter and it will re-direct all emails you receive from them into your spam folder.

This feature is only available if you have an account and security plan with Norton! If all else fails, you can also place a block on all emails with a Norton-related email address from entering your inbox.

4. Verify All Norton Email Addresses

It's easy to fall prey to an email scam. In today's world, scammers are becoming experts at making emails look legitimate - especially those piggybacking off the Norton name.

Another great way to keep these emails out of your inbox is by verifying the Norton email address first, reporting it, and then marking it as spam.

The most prolific Norton scam is the Norton LifeLock scam. Scammers pose as a members of the company's support team, sending you an email to notify you that your subscription has ended. This is such a common scam because it works - the emails look very legitimate, complete with professional writing and logos.

The only way to ensure you do not fall victim to one of these email scams is by verifying the email address, first.

Simply hover your cursor over the address on the email. It's only a legitimate email from Norton if the email address has an domain name. If not, you need to report the email to Norton, and then mark the email address as spam.

By reporting spam to Norton and your email provider, you can create a safer online environment for yourself. It also helps your email provider learn more about suspicious-looking emails, improving their spam filtering process.

5. Choose a Double Opt-In Subscription

If you really want to ensure your inbox remains spam-free, always go for a double opt-in subscription, especially when it comes to Norton emails.

Essentially, the double opt-in option adds another layer of protection against spam mail and email scams. Most companies will send you an email to confirm your subscription with a verification link - this is what a double opt-in process looks like.

Keep your wits about you with companies who do not offer this secondary step. If they don't send you a confirmation email, it might be a good idea to immediately unsubscribe to avoid falling prey to spam/scam emails.

Inbox Clean-Up Made Easy

If you're looking for a simple, efficient, and fast way to clean out your inundated inbox, then the services at Mailstrom are just what you need.

Mailstrom offers you a powerful set of tools to manage your inbox and banish spam for good. If you're wondering how to stop Norton spam emails from infiltrating your inbox, you need Mailstrom!

Learn more about our pricing and services on offer, here.