Are you tired of the endless slew of emails daily? Does the sight of your cluttered inbox make you shiver? You’re not alone. One study showed that email fatigue could lead to 38% of workers quitting their jobs.
However, we don’t want you to take such a drastic measure yet. If you feel stressed about your inbox, it's time to declutter and simplify your digital life with data archiving.
Are you unsure of where to begin or what that means? Don't stress. We're here to clue you in on how data archiving can help you regain control over crashing waves of email communications, allowing for a streamlined digital lifestyle at as little cost to your mental health.
Follow along as we break down the basics of archiving emails and explore some mighty benefits. Your inbox will be decluttered in no time.
What Is Data Archiving?
Data archiving can be incredibly helpful in keeping your inbox free from clutter. It refers to moving unwanted emails into a data archive instead of deleting them entirely. You can access this data later if you need to. However, the emails won't sit in your main inbox.
So, it’s a great solution if you’re looking to store emails you may need to refer to; you are just moving them out of your inbox to focus on other work while enjoying a beautiful, clutter-free inbox.
The bottom line? Data archiving is critical in a world where we receive, on average, 120 emails a day. When you archive emails you no longer want to see in your inbox, you can remain organized without sacrificing easy access to past content if you ever need it.
Benefits of Email Archiving
Why archive emails and not delete them entirely? As mentioned above, sometimes you need access to the information you thought you were done with.
For example, what if a client returns to you after nine months with questions about a past project? In this case, you'll want to be able to refer to the email you sent them. Hopefully, you’ll have that email in your archives, and it won’t have been lost entirely. That’s how data archiving works.
Aside from accessing past conversations, here are the top benefits of creating a data archive for all your business communication data.
Storage Management
Email archiving provides users with an effective way to manage the ever-growing amount of data that emails generate. Using an email archiving system, you can ensure enough space on your mail server while maintaining a record of all emails sent andreceived.
The result? You'll improve the flow of your email system and decrease the load on your servers. This is incredibly helpful if you run a large organization or need quick access to fast servers. Plus, all of your emails will be preserved and easily accessible. However, you won't have to deal with that pesky message regarding server space every other day.
Regulatory Compliance
Data archiving is a key tool for businesses to maintain regulatory compliance. Different states have different regulations regarding compliance. However, most require companies to store and retain data organizationally and securely. The right email archiving solution can help with this.
The system will automatically capture all incoming and outgoing emails to store them in their original format. This is critical if compliance rules state you need to have accurate records of all emails in their original format without alterations. You should have access to timestamps, for example, and IP addresses if necessary.
It's worth looking into the regulatory rules in your state. However, the bottom line is that email archiving solutions are convenient from an administrative perspective. They're legally beneficial as they provide proof of compliance if ever put into question. Trust us; you do not want to have issues with any state compliance board.
Archiving emails has revolutionized searchability.
With this method, you no longer need to search multiple folders or filing cabinets. You can quickly type in a few keywords, an email address, or even a date and find the email you're looking for. No more hours wasted sifting through emails trying to search for one message.
Not only can archiving emails provide business owners with evidence if they ever find themselves in legal trouble, but it can also save them time and hassle if and when they need to pursue litigation. An email archiving solution helps avoid sifting through thousands of old messages, as you can retrieve all pertinent correspondence with a single click.
Talk about ease of use.
Business Continuity
In the event of a data disaster, archiving emails can ensure business continuity. How so? You'll have recent, up-to-date copies of emails and information. For example, this is helpful if other data is lost or corrupted during a security breach. It's also helpful if you experienced a natural disaster and lost access to physical hard drives or other storage methods.
All in all, this gives your business a fighting chance through hard times.
On top of providing peace of mind, archiving emails helps protect against potential legal action by maintaining an unchangeable record of communication that could be used for evidence. This could help if you've been the victim of a cyber attack.
Auditing Abilities
If your company should ever face an audit investigation, authorities may need access to important information. You won't be able to access that if you've deleted all of your employees' emails. Instead, archive and move them off your main server while maintaining access.
Intellectual Property
Protecting intellectual property should be a top priority, whether you're a small business or a conglomerate. One cost-effective way to do this is by investing in an email archiving system. Your emails contain copies of documents, ideas, and concepts, some of which we may not even be aware that they are unprotected IPs.
Keeping emails organized with an archiving system helps prevent accidental deletion and data loss and assures that the information belongs to your company, not the person who sent it. If you care about protecting your IPs, investing in an email organization system is one proactive measure that can save you time and money in the long run.
Improved Performance
A slow email server can be frustrating, especially when your employees must be productive and efficient with their time. Doing some digital spring cleaning may help improve this issue.
Email archiving is a great way to ensure that deleted emails are still retrievable for future reference while keeping busy inboxes manageable. Regularly purging emails can significantly improve email servers' speed, allowing you and your employees to work more efficiently.
It's a win-win all around.
Clutter-Free Inbox
One of the biggest stressors in a person's work life is email. As mentioned above, email fatigue following the pandemic has over a third of Americans considering quitting their jobs. Overloaded inboxes can cause headaches, making it hard to know what messages are important and which ones need immediate attention.
Mass archiving emails as part of a data archiving system can help you achieve true inbox zero. You know, that blissful feeling when you open your computer and find that all unneeded, low-priority emails are already out of sight.
In this context, data archiving is the key to unlocking true inbox nirvana. Ahhh, it feels so zen.
How to Declutter Your Email Inbox
Are you still feeling stressed after archiving emails? You can keep your inbox clean and organized by taking a few easy steps.
First, create folders for different categories like work emails, personal emails, or newsletters to help segment things.
Next, schedule time to review your emails and organize them into these folders. This way, you'll be able to find what you're looking for quickly and easily. You can also use the search function in your email client to find specific emails quickly.
Lastly, unsubscribe from emails that take up space unnecessarily or don't interest you anymore. This is a great way to reduce the number of emails you receive daily, especially if they all go to your trash or spam folder.
Join Mailstrom
Looking for other ways to enjoy seamless and simple data archiving? Mailstrom is the perfect tool to declutter your inbox.
One of Mailstrom's most useful features is the one-click block function that makes it easy to stop any unwanted senders or subjects from cluttering up your inbox in the future.
However, our archiving feature is also excellent for mass archiving unwanted emails. We use powerful tools to help group emails that are similar. This allows you to take swift action on mass quantities of emails with just a click.
Ready to try these features and functions for yourself? Sign up for Mailstrom today!